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Titanic Swim Team - Colours Of The Night Sky Releaseshow
Support: Bitter Blau & Whitepaper
Titanic Swim Team is an indie rock / pop rock band from Mannheim, Germany. Since their foundation in the summer of 2022, the band has travelled an exciting and remarkable path. Starting with nationally known scholarships such as ‘Deutsches Popstipendium’”‘ (funded by the German Ministry of Culture), ‘”‘Bandsupport Mannheim’”‘ and ‘Sprungbrett Heidelberg’ to the release of their first single in December 2022 with over 8’000 streams, Titanic Swim Team has already achieved considerable success.
The members of Titanic Swim Team consider themselves outsiders and have built a strong community where everyone is there for each other. This close bond extends not only to the band members and the extended team, but also to their listeners and fans. Each band member represents a vibrant colour that has a double symbolic meaning. It stands for the diversity of musical influences reflected in their music, as well as for individual differences and the acceptance of all forms of individuality. Titanic Swim Team attaches great importance to making everyone feel welcome and respected at their concerts.
Indie rock and pop form the basis of their sound, but elements of funk, soul, hip-hop and even classical music make their way into their music as well. The result is an energetic and rousing sound that encourages dancing and drives rhythmically forward. In addition to their musical diversity, Titanic Swim Team also exudes a sincere warmth that is reflected in their lyrics. Often the lyrics have a personal reference to one or more band members.
Titanic Swim Team‘s music is a source of strength, designed to comfort and release energy. The band has come to stay and their journey has just begun. They embody the cohesion of a team and invite their audience to be part of this community. With their rousing music and unique bond, they are ready to conquer the German indie rock scene.
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kulturamt der Stadt Mannheim